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Programmes for Katie Davis
» Advaita - Katie Davis - 'Awake Joy' - Interview by Renate McNay
In 1986, Katie Davis, author of "Awake Joy", had a spontaneous awakening that radically transformed her life. At the time, she had never heard of awakening and enlightenment. The integration took twelve years. Katie's husband is Sundance Burke, author of "Free Spirit", who awakened in 1982 with Satoshi (Osho/Nisargadatta influence) and Shunyata, named the Rare Born Mystic by his friend Ramana Maharshi. In 1998, Sundance and Katie became close friends with Eckhart Tolle, who encouraged them to share the teachings and write their books. They travel worldwide to share the message of conscious freedom and causeless joy in the form of talks in spiritual gatherings, satsang, intensives, silent retreats and private appointments. In this interview she talks about her life and her work.
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